Slovakia: Spolok architektov Slovenska (SAS)

The Slovak Architects Society was established in 1992 as a voluntary, social, cultural, and artistic association of architecture enthusiasts. Its aim is to popularize architecture, disseminate information about architecture to the public, and participate in the creation of an integrated architectural culture. The SAS awards the Emil Belluš Prize for lifetime achievement every year, the prestigious Dušan Jurkovič Prize for the best realized project, the Jozef Lacko Prize for the best diploma project, and the Martin Kusý Prize for contributions in the fields of research, history, theory, and criticism of architecture, as well as for presentations in professional journals and media. Biennially, the ZUUPS Prize is awarded for the best urban project. The awarded works of the laureates are displayed along with other exhibitions at the periodic exhibitions in the Gallery of Architecture SAS in Bratislava and in regional cultural centers.