Switzerland: Conférence Suisse des Architectes (CSA)

The Swiss Conference of Architects (CSA) is the umbrella organisation of the three Swiss associations of architects, the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) – Professional Group for Architecture (BGA), the Federation of Swiss Architects (FSA) and the Federation of Freelance Swiss Architects (FSAI). In addition, the Foundation of Swiss Registers (REG) is an observing member of the CSA. The CSA represents the common interests of the three associations of architects in the context of international relations, in particular through the CSA’s membership of the two international organisations of architects, the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE). In addition, the CSA is a place for exchange and coordination of cooperation between the three associations of architects at national level. The CSA is a joint body of the three member associations. It does not pursue any independent policy and acts solely in the interests and according to the guidelines of its members.