The UIA Charter for Built Environment Education


Education about the built environment takes on critical importance in today’s world as a vital component of cultural, social, economic and political development. It has the potential to function as a pillar of capacity-building within communities, for the consolidation of harmonious co-existence, sustainable development, democracy, human rights and peace.

We, as architects, strongly believe that in a fast-changing world the achievement of a humane quality of life is heavily dependent on the quality of our built environment. This cannot be planned, designed and made solely by architects; it is the product of us all – citizens, professionals, businesses, lawmakers – working together.

Therefore, the future quality of our lives relies on the coming generations understanding the processes that shape the built environment, and having the knowledge and tools to take wise decisions which take account of their repercussions for the cultural, social, economic and political well-being of their community and of the environment it inhabits.

It is our responsibility – architects together with authorities and law makers – to direct our efforts toward initiating, encouraging and facilitating Built-Environment Education on a global scale.