
“In response to the White House decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, and as organizations representing the world’s architects, we express our continued commitment to designing a more sustainable world and to making the goals of the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement a reality.

Urban areas account for more than 70 percent of global energy consumption and CO2 emissions, mainly from buildings. Architects embrace the responsibility to design buildings and communities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions; foster healthier environments; protect and enhance natural resources; provide clean air and water; protect people from the impacts of climate change; and create sustainable, equitable and healthy communities for everyone.

Following through on our collective commitments to reducing greenhouse gases will help to alleviate the clear perils faced by our planet and its inhabitants. We will not accept a future in which rising sea levels destroy more communities; where devastating natural disasters become the norm; where future generations face greater risk of drought; and where disease and poverty are exacerbated by the extreme impacts of a changing climate.

The landmark Paris Agreement maps the way to a sustainable future. We are doing our part and will carry on. That is the underpinning of the 2050 Imperative, adopted by the International Union of Architects at its World Congress in Durban, South Africa. This 2014 accord commits the world architecture community to implementing carbon efficient design strategies and renewable systems.

The architecture community adopted the 2050 Imperative as a clear message of support for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to show that architects are committed to a sustainable and equitable future. Today, that commitment is stronger than ever.

In large metropolises and small towns around the world, architects are working with their clients to design buildings and communities that use appropriate resources, protect the public from harm, and improve the quality of life. We reaffirm our commitment to designing a better world for all.”


Thomas Vonier, AIA President

American Institute of Architects


Esa Mohamed, UIA President

International Union of Architects