Renowned architect Francis Kéré (Burkina Faso) will speak at the UIA 2020 Rio World Congress of Architects. His work is globally recognised, having received awards such as the Aga Khan […]

Architects from every continent will have the opportunity to show their works on the biggest event of global architecture, RIO2020UIA, happening in a year in Rio de Janeiro, from the […]

Solano Benítez (Paraguay) will speak at the XXVII UIA World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Honorary member of the American Institute of Architects since 2012, he has received prestigious […]

The UIA Education Commission met in Paris on 24 and 25 October 2016. Alongside the working meetings, a reception took place in the UIA Secretariat’s headquarters in Paris to celebrate […]

UIA Treasurer Fabian Llisterri and former (2011-2014) UIA Secretary General Michel Barmaki were present at the Biel Exhibition Center in Beirut for the opening of the Lebanese Architect Awards Festival on Thursday 16 February […]

The UIA supports our American colleagues, who in these difficult times have stood up in courageous defense of our global profession.   Where we stand Immigration and visa restrictions   […]

Drafted by Ms. Pei Ing TAN (Malaysia), the Khartoum Declaration on Gender Equity in Architecture was adopted by the members of the UIA Professional Practice Commission (PPC),  during its meeting held in Khartoum, […]

“In response to the White House decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, and as organizations representing the world’s architects, we express our continued commitment to designing […]

The II National Conference on Architecture and Urbanism, which took place in Rio de Janeiro from October 7 / 10 October, included special guests such UIA Past President Jaime Lerner and architect Paulo Mendes […]

Following the UIA General Assembly in Seoul in September 2017, a new permanent UIA Commission has been established to deal with sustainability, based on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). […]